Sunday 7 March 2010

This is my storyboard and light plan for what I'm going to do in the scene and how I'm going to light it. The storyboard I want my character to jump over several fences to look like he is chasing Simon Pegg's character within the film. As the lighting in scene is quite simple my scene I will only need to use a couple of lights.

Thursday 4 March 2010

After the Truman show failure, I had to think of another bit of footage, then I instantly thought of using the fence scene from eva 'Shaun of the dead' or 'Hot fuzz'. Comparing the footage I decided to use the 'Hot Fuzz' footage as alot more to work with.
For this project we are asked to implement eva a piece of modelling we have made in Maya or a piece of character animation into film footage. My choice was to do the end of the 'Truman show' when he walks up the steps to freedom, massive spoiler. But when working with Maya live I discovered big issue with trying to track the footage due to the moving water. So I had to change my piece of footage.